torsdag 17. februar 2011


This time I traveled with Sandra, Hannah, Signe, Abdi and Andreas. The tour was actually wary funny, we’ve laughed allot (especially when we was at the bus).  It was “ok” to travel.

Some boring facts…
Wales has an area at 20 768 km² and a population at 3 004 600 (2009). The capital is Cardiff. Wales is a part of UK (since 1707). Wales language is “keltisk” and about 610 000. Speak it (especially in north Wales). 

Famous people!
Ryan Giggs, he is a football player (I hate football!!) ,  Nicole Cooke, a cyclist, Richard Burton, who is a actor: D     

We were in Cardiff :)
It was shopping streets everywhere, (and you know us, we like shopping a little too much!!) ok, so we shopped. The boys were at a star wars shop, they didn’t get out before an hour!!! I didn’t know that they liked that5440098853_4079398f4a_z_large

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