torsdag 17. februar 2011


This time I traveled with Sandra, Hannah, Signe, Abdi and Andreas. The tour was actually wary funny, we’ve laughed allot (especially when we was at the bus).  It was “ok” to travel.

Some boring facts…
Wales has an area at 20 768 km² and a population at 3 004 600 (2009). The capital is Cardiff. Wales is a part of UK (since 1707). Wales language is “keltisk” and about 610 000. Speak it (especially in north Wales). 

Famous people!
Ryan Giggs, he is a football player (I hate football!!) ,  Nicole Cooke, a cyclist, Richard Burton, who is a actor: D     

We were in Cardiff :)
It was shopping streets everywhere, (and you know us, we like shopping a little too much!!) ok, so we shopped. The boys were at a star wars shop, they didn’t get out before an hour!!! I didn’t know that they liked that5440098853_4079398f4a_z_large

lørdag 5. februar 2011


Goodbye England and hello Scotland!  

Abdi, Signe and I, planned to travel to Scotland. Yeah! It was an infinite long train ride from England, and Abdi was at the toilet whole the time (for various reasons!). 

We`ve been invited of Abdi to Loch Ness Lodge hotel in Scotland, so we seized the opportunity. When we arrived the train station in Edinburg, we were totally over tired. And we couldn’t wait for the soft beds. And of course we go to sleep at once.

Next day (Saturday) we traveled to the loch ness lake. We wanted to see the “loch ness monster” that lived there. So we went for a picnic near the water and sat down, then beginning to eat. Before, the people were afraid of the monster, but now the monster is lovely discussed as “Nessie”. And some people have perpetuated the idea that it might be a monster in loch ness. There is only one real way to get to the bottom of this mystery, and that is to visit Loch Ness in Scotland and try to spot the monster by yourself! But we didn’t see the monster then :(

The loch ness monster!  (Nessie)

Here is a picture of our famous picnic ;P

On Sunday we`ve visit Edinburgh castle. It was BIG! It looked like a castle that it is a dragon on or something, a castle you see on cartoons. After that we`ve leave to the city and shopped (he he). There we`ve saw men’s that had the “national costume” on (TiHi!).

Me when I was shopping :D

A national costume…

Some facts:
On a restaurant we meet a real Scottish man named “Olla- Bolla Martin”.  He liked to play golf, and golf is the national sport in Scotland.  The population in Scotland is just over 5. Millions, and the capital in Scotland is Edinburgh. 

Scotland’s national sport (golf).

This was the last day in Scotland, hope you enjoy! 

fredag 4. februar 2011


Hello, hello!

This is the last day in London before we leave to Scotland, so we decided to go on the most famous tourist attractions:

Today I waked up 7 o’clock, because Signe JUMPED IN MY BED! I don’t know why but…  I’ve tended and dressed. Then we ate breakfast.

Then we saw a signs with picture of the cutest ice- cream that I ever seen! So we just must buy some; D

We took the “London eye”. It was fabulous!  But it took years before we get on it.  The weather was good and not to warm. I had a little bit fear of heights, but it went well.

After we go to the Madame Tussauds. Signe took a picture of me beside Johnny Depp, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. Then   we go down to the basement, and didn’t know anything… BO! It was really scary. 

And we went to the Big Ben. 

 Goodbye London :P

torsdag 3. februar 2011


Today I went to London with Signe.  We took the bus to Camden, and shopped to death. I am not sure that we can get back home again, because we have shopped that much. Boohoo! Signe bought some summer dresses, and a lot of hats and of curse shoes. I bought a hat to, and a t- shirt with picture of one English flag, some dresses and shoes, and lots of other stuff. After that I’ve tacked manicure, and my nails now are matching the t- shirt that I bought.  
       The picture over is of my nails after being fixed;)

Here is a picture of the marked (camdon).

And we meet a weary weird person, named “Sigbass Johansen”. He sowed us around. He told that it was 50 million peoples that live in England today, and that London is the capital of UK (United Kingdom) and has 7, 8 million residents (2009). London is in south England and is near the river Themsen.

Now we are stuck on an internet café and waiting for a taxi to bring us to the hotel.  I am drinking cappuccino with cream and chocolate (mmmm!), and Signe  dosen’t like that so she is drinking cacao with some “fun stuff” on.